Total Medals Earned: 552 (From 85 different games.) Total Medal Score: 9,940 Points
Medals Earned: 22/22 (305/305 points)
Hit the floor
Create new life
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Peek in the hole, I dare you...
Get it
I wonder if he's hiring?
Ride the Elevator
Get rid of the crows
Medals Earned: 11/26 (135/500 points)
Eat a urinal cake
Step on some poop
Complete your helicopter journey
Find the Newgrounds poster
Get to the top of the stairs
Kill the Shogun
Check the options
Check the credits
Find the Levi Ramirez room
Beat the game in under 12345 hours
Medals Earned: 12/92 (60/460 points)
Who turned out the lights?
Welcome to Shrimp-OS
Have EVERY (important) application installed at once
Find the Shrimpcoin Miner software
Cover your shrimptop in icons
Make somebody upset
Be real loud
Hilarious Dancing Shrimp!
Medals Earned: 13/19 (400/470 points)
Kill 2 enemies in one roll
Put yourself out with water
Launch yourself 20 meters high
Kill 3 enemies with one grenade
Kill 1000 enemies
Finish the first level
Finish the second level
Finish the third level
Finish the fourth level
Finish the final level
Finish level 1 on mobile device
Finish level 2 on mobile device
Finish level 3 on mobile device
Finish level 4 on mobile device
Finish level 5 on mobile device
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/210 points)
Complete the first chapter.
Complete the second chapter.
Complete a level made in the map editor.
Complete the third chapter.
Complete the fourth chapter.
Complete the final chapter.
Complete the bonus chapter.
Medals Earned: 18/21 (260/370 points)
Play Sunnyside Vs. The Eggies!
Look at the options.
Look at the credits screen.
Die for the first time.
Find and destroy a golden egg.
Clear 1 floor.
Clear 3 floors.
Clear 6 floors.
Clear 10 floors.
Clear 15 floors.
Get 50 upgrades in one run.
Play on Funky Monkey Friday (ANY FRIDAY!)
Clear 20 floors.
Play on Christmas (postboy's idea im sorry)
Medals Earned: 1/1 (100/100 points)
Win the stage mode.
Medals Earned: 1/40 (5/500 points)
Open the second present!
Open the first present!
Open the third present!
Open the fourth present!
Open the fifth present!
Open the sixth present!
Open the seventh present!
Open the eighth present!
Open the ninth present!
Open the tenth present!
Open the 11th present!
Open the twelfth present!
Open the thirteenth present!
Open the fourteenth present!
Open the fifteenth present!
Open the sixteenth present!
Open the seventeenth present!
Open the eighteenth present!
Open the nineteenth present!
Open the twentieth present!
Open the twenty-first present!
Open the twenty-second present!
Open the twenty-third present!
Open the twenty-fourth present!
Open the twenty-fifth present!
Open the twenty-sixth present!
Open the twenty-seventh present!
Open the twenty-eighth present!
Open the twenty-nineth present!
Open the thirtieth present!
Open the thirty-first present!
Open the last present!
Collect all the Happy Thoughts
Get a score of 10 or less on Pin the Tail
Score at least 20,000 points in Festive Forage
Collect all 99 Lucia Cats in Hot Bun Run in under 90 seconds!
Take a stroll down the Credits Hall when it's over.
Medals Earned: 12/37 (75/420 points)
Enter the village for the first time.
Open the eleventh gift!
Open the twelfth gift!
Open the thirteenth gift! (Before Brandy Does)
Open the nineteenth gift!
Open the twenty-second gift!
Open the twenty-third gift!
Open the twenty-fourth gift!
Open the twenty-fifth gift!
Open the twenty-sixth gift!
Open the twenty-seventh gift!
Open the twenty-eighth gift!
Open the twenty-ninth gift!
Open the thirtieth gift!
Open the thirty-first gift!
Happy New Year!!! Thank you for playing Tankmas 2021! See you next year!
Score 15 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade
Score 30 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade game
Score 40 points in the "Holy Crap a Yeti" arcade
Receive a Kiss from Tom Fulp, or anyone with this medal
Medals Earned: 2/40 (10/230 points)
Open the eleventh present!
Open the thirty-second present!
Defeat the Yeti in the Yule Duel arcade game!
Defeat Santa in the Yule Duel arcade game!
Collect all 25 cards in the Yule Duel arcade game!
Witness the Day of the Little Candles
Read "A Gift to Never Forget" in the Blue Door
Use the home movie theater to its fullest and catch a premiere! (deja vu)
Open all the presents